Saturday 29 May 2010

We ARE (almost) there, everyone . . .


This image is from a chance encounter in Google. Click on the blog-post title above to go to Edmonton in 1919; they had their party to commemorate the end of WW I.


We've had the OK from Islington Council for the street closure. Children and older people will be able to stroll across the (usually quite busy side-) road without fear of being run-over, on the day.

We've sent out the 'action list' to about ten of us organising the event.

We're not sure if we actually need insurance (public liability) as we're not organising any 'high-risk' activities, nor are we happy with the £ 250 excess we've been quoted.

We've got one more planning meeting, and then WHOOSH - it will be upon us.

We've been told there's a bit of money coming to us from somewhere deep in the bowels of the Council.

We've been told there's money available from a charity to subsidise childrens' play equipment.

What more could we want ?