Well, we've had our second planning meeting, we've put the second leaflet through 84 front doors, and now we're waiting for objections to come back re :- the proposed road closure. Then we apply to the local Council for the Road Closure, and eight weeks later . . .
We've also asked everyone in the road for their comments on how we're arranging this street party, and we do want everyone to feel that it's theirs as much as ours. The shopkeepers at Blackstock Road want, for example, access to the mews during the day, so that will affect how much of the road we can ask to close off . .
About ten of us are asking people for bunting, for trestle tables, we've got a team of musicians booked, a stereo will appear on the day, competitions and games are in the offing, we may ask local dignitaries to come along, etcetera
But, really as there's not been one for years and many of our fellow residents are new, it's a chance to 'natter with your neighbours'.
Click on the blog post title above and you go to a childrens' street party play organiser in London. Our next planning meeting is on Thursday 20 May.